Achievements and Leaderboards

Here you can find the functions for integrating your game with the available leaderboard and achievements APIs

Games that are made to target devices that run iOS or Android can also connect to one of two leaderboard and achievement API's. For iOS you have the iTunes Game Center, and for Android you can use the Amazon Game Circle or Google Play, with all of them using the using the functions found on this page. These functions permit your game to send information on scores and achievements to the leaderboards that you have set up in the Developers Account for the game you are making and is an excellent way to get players involved in the social side of gaming as they can then see what other people who have played your game have achieved and try to better them.

When using these functions, you should note that they do not track achievements and scores automatically for you. They only show the data that you send them from your game, so you must code your own achievements and hi-score system to keep track of the individuals status in game, then use these functions to add the data to the chosen network (however you can request progress information for achievements using the achievement_load_progress function).

Some of these functions will trigger a callback Social Asynchronous Event, which will contain a ds_map of data relating to the function that triggered it. Those functions that trigger the event also detail the map key/value pairs that are returned by the callback, however a callback Social Event can also be triggered by your game receiving external notifications about challenges etc... The exact details of the ds_map returned for these events are explained in the Social Asynchronous Event section.

NOTE: For these functions to work with iOS you must have a valid Game Center account and an iOS app id for your game.

NOTE: For these functions to work with Android you must submit your game to the Amazon App store, or to Google Play, and have set up the necessary sections as well as have the API activated in the Global Game Settings for your game.

The functions listed below are the basic ones used for integrating your game with the chosen target social gaming platform:

  1. achievement_login_status
  2. achievement_login
  3. achievement_logout
  4. achievement_available
  5. achievement_post
  6. achievement_post_score
  7. achievement_increment
  8. achievement_show_achievements
  9. achievement_show_leaderboards
  10. achievement_show_challenge_notifications
  11. achievement_get_challenges
  12. achievement_get_pic
  13. achievement_load_friends
  14. achievement_load_leaderboard
  15. achievement_load_progress
  16. achievement_send_challenge
  17. achievement_reset

Local High Scores

Apart from these functions for devices, GameMaker: Studio also integrates a basic highscore storage system that is local to your game and compatible with all platforms. This system can store up to ten places (with names and scores) locally, which you can then draw on-screen as you wish. For more information see:

  1. Local High Scores

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